Ye Must Be Born Again
This week in Come Follow Me, we studied John chapters 2-4.
First, we experience Christ's first miracle of changing water into wine at the marriage feast in Cana. John called this "the beginning of miracles." This was the first miracle that Jesus performed publicly. It can also represent the change within ourselves that takes place when we choose to become more like our Savior Jesus Christ.
This change begins when we decide that we are going to follow Jesus Christ, that we are going to change and live a better life through Him. This change can be so completely life-changing that the only way to describe it is to say that we are "born again." Rebirth is only the beginning of the path of discipleship. Jesus Christ's words to the woman of Samaria remind us, that if we continue to follow this path that the Gospel will eventually become a "well of water" inside of us that is "springing up into everlasting life."
It is interesting to think about the different perspectives of each of the people that are mentioned in the story of Jesus changing the water into wine. His mother Mary is there, the many guests, including the governor of the feast, and then there are the servants, and the disciples too. In some ways, it is hard to imagine what it would be like to be there and witness something like that. In our day and age, it is highly likely that we would be looking for the magic trick, for the way that this illusion took place. However, in this case, it is clear that it really was water that was turned to wine. The governor of the feast thought that the best wine had been saved until the end because it tasted do good and authentic. It literally became wine!
I for one would have been impressed by such a miracle, and would wonder and marvel at it, and want to know why something so magnificent was happening and who Jesus is, and why he was doing this miracle for a wedding feast. There are many things that we can learn about Christ through this miracle. I think what we can see that he cares about what matters to us. His mother shared that there was no more wine and the feast was not yet over. And while it may not have seemed like a big deal on the surface, it mattered to the wedding party, and Christ provided. I think that it shows his care and compassion for our needs. It also shows us the power that the Father has given Him. That he can change water to wine.
Something that I was told earlier this week is that Christ made this miracle happen faster, but that it happens every day very slowly in nature. Water and seeds become grapes, that later become juice. That in itself is a miracle if you think about it. That creation, that perfection of water and seeds becoming grapes and juice, and then the process that later makes it become wine. It is a bunch of small miracles that take place if you really think about it. Even the sun and water falling in just the right spot for that seed to get nourishment and grow is a miracle.
Later in these chapters, we learn that Nicodemus comes to Christ in the night. He wanted to meet with Him in private. He seems to have been a very cautious observer. Later on he does publicly defend Christ and he joined with the believers at his burial.
Before all that happened though, we see Christ teaching Nicodemus about the need for being born again of both water and spirit. We have been taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith that being born again comes by the Spirit of God through ordinances. Of course these ordinances are baptism and confirmation when we first enter the path of discipleship, and there are other ordinances beyond that.
For me, it is easy to see being born again of water comes through baptism by the proper authority, and then the confirmation being the spirit or fire of being born again. Both water and spirit. I know when I was baptized and confirmed I felt it. It is a day that is forever etched into my mind and heart that I will never forget. November 30, 1985 the day that I felt new light come over me as I was confirmed a member of the church. I will always cherish that feeling of the spirit that came both as I came out of the water and when hands were laid on my head and I was confirmed a member of the church. There was no question that God was pleased with my choice and that I now had the Gift of the Holy Ghost with me. I felt the change, just like we can feel the warmth of the sun or the brush of a breeze on our face, it was a real change.
While that experience was magnificent, it was only the beginning of the path of discipleship. Since then it has been a lifelong study of Christ, His words, and teachings. Striving to become more like Him all the time. Repenting, improving, and becoming more Christlike. Striving to have more charity for others. I definitely have not walked the path perfectly, and have had need of repentance many times, and I am so grateful for the Savior and for the ability to be forgiven and to turn around and try again.
Something else that comes to mind about all this, is how much God loves us to send his Only Begotten Son to do all of this for us so that we can return to His presence, and all of us be together again. I know as a mother it would be incredibly difficult to send a child of mine to suffer for the sins of everyone else. I cannot imagine having them crucified, die, and then raised again. Our Heavenly Father had so much love for all of us, and the Savior does too, that this plan was fulfilled. This great law of sacrifice for us. He was willing to be the lamb on the alter in place of us and our sins, and the Father was willing to send Him. That takes a lot of love, it really does.
Every time my prayers are heard and answered, I know that God loves me. Every blessing that I have is because of Him. Every good thing really does come from God.
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